Lay the Foundation for the New Year Today

Published by Joshua Bontrager on

As 2019 draws to a close next month, many of us will begin setting fresh resolutions for the New Year. But what if we began today?

As Benjamin Franklin once observed, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” With a little foresight and intentionality, we can start laying a solid foundation for our New Year’s goals to build on.

In this post, we’ll lay out a plan for doing just that. We’ll also describe the benefits of starting your 2020 planning now.

A Family Conversation

A few days ago, Cassidy and I began discussing our personal and family disciplines and routines. We came to a few conclusions. First, we need to hone our personal disciplines for effectiveness. For myself, that includes being more consistent with daily Bible memory and push-ups. 

Second, we need to master key areas of organization and planning. For example, we’re currently selling things we don’t need online. We’re also working to become more organized in our finances.

A Plan for Success

How does one become more organized and disciplined?

Start with honest evaluation. It’s helpful to have a conversation with your spouse, a friend, parent, or sibling. Critically assess your personal, family, and life disciplines and all areas of organization. 

Once you’ve identified the problems to be solved, craft a plan for improvement. How will you improve these areas?

Next, commit and follow through. Physically, we’ll never become stronger by simply crafting a fitness plan. We must actually take the time and discipline to exercise with consistency. Likewise, we only become more disciplined in any other area by actual practice.

Last, revisit these areas weekly this month and next, continuing to evaluate and adjust. Areas in need of growth can be easily forgotten without frequent review.

Remember, nothing good ever happened by accident. To endure, progress requires much intention and commitment.

The Purpose Of The Foundation 

What does this foundational of discipline and organization make possible for the New Year? In short, these foundations exercise the discipline you’ll need to follow through with your habits and goals next year.

Think of it in terms of construction. The foundation comes first, then the structure and the finish work. By laying the foundation of discipline, you’ll be ready to successfully build a structure of healthy habits and goals upon it. 

In the end, the foundation of personal, family, and life discipline provides freedom to do the hard things, and to be prepared for whatever God has in store for you next.

Day by day, you and I are laying the foundation for another year. What foundation are we laying for 2020? 

Question: How can we use these last two months in 2019 to prepare ourselves for a more God-glorifying New Year?

1 Comment

Tori W. · November 6, 2019 at 11:23 am

Great post! Very challenging! Thanks for sharing, Joshua!

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