5 Keys To Creating Unforgettable Family Traditions

Published by Joshua Bontrager on

The fond memories of childhood can never be erased. Truly, it is the simple moments that shape our lives forever. 

I’ll never forget my favorite family tradition we had growing up—our Christmas Eve Celebration. It all began the year my sister Elizabeth was born. Elizabeth was due on Christmas, but came 7 days early. Consequently, my Mother wasn’t able to prepare our traditional Christmas Eve feast.

Instead, she assigned us children to each make special dishes for our celebration. Thus, an unforgettable family tradition was birthed.

Over time, each child developed their own specialty. Mine was Mexican dip, Carson’s was fried shrimp or onions, and the others cooked delectable dishes. It was my favorite family meal of the year.

After dinner, we played games as a family. We ended by all curling up in our sleeping bags in the living room. 

This tradition, along with the others my parents crafted, formed strong family bonds, contributed to the Bontrager family culture and identity, and fostered a healthy sense of family pride.

In short, traditions reminded us how exciting it was to be a Bontrager.

Today, we’ll examine 5 simple keys to creating unforgettable family traditions. Thankfully, creating such traditions is much easier than you might think. 

1. Slow Down

If you have a family, the most important things happen inside your home. Just because most Americans may be busier than ever doesn’t mean we have to to run hectic schedules as well. The most important things in life (including family traditions) come when we slow down.

Once your children are grown, will you wish you had done more together? Are you making the most of every moment?

2. Be Intentional 

It doesn’t take much to impress a child forever. You only need a little forethought and intentionality. 

For example, early on, my parents began a tradition of taking us children out to a favorite restaurant for our birthdays. My siblings and I all savor those special times.

As you incorporate traditions into your family life, consider that your children will likely do these traditions with their own children.

Look for traditions that do the following:

  • Bring you closer as a family
  • Teach valuable life lessons
  • Inspire
  • Point to God’s goodness 

3. Get Creative

Growing up, we never went to Disneyland or theme parks. Instead, we looked for simple and free things to do together. A couple times each summer, we’d go up to Iowa City in the evening, and feed the ducks or bike around the river.

Other evenings, we’d play baseball, kickball, or kick-the-can. 

Your children want your time more than your money. Therefore, find simple, creative, ways to make lasting memories.

4. Craft Traditions Around Special Days and Events

You can easily build traditions around every day events like meals, books, and physical activities.

Growing up, on Sunday mornings we enjoyed tasty baked oatmeal or cinnamon rolls. Often, Saturday evening was pizza night. 

In our new family, my wife and I have begun our own traditions as well. Here are a few of our favorites:

  • Waffles on Sunday morning
  • Sunday afternoon naps and reading
  • Movie and game nights
  • Family walks

What traditions could you begin in your family?

5. Build Anticipation 

The best traditions become events that children look anticipate ahead of time. For example, reading one chapter of a book to your children each night builds excitement for bedtime each evening.

All it takes is a little planning ahead. 

A Word to Fathers

While mothers have a tremendous role in creating lasting memories, fathers, as spiritual leaders, must engage directly with their children by purposefully creating family traditions. As God’s Word exhorts, fathers are responsible for bringing up their children in the “nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4).

Traditions can shape your children in a powerful way, forge unbreakable family bonds, and point your sons and daughters to Christ.

As dads, we think seriously about our work and finances. How much more should we think seriously about our children? 

By God’s grace, may we all build unforgettable family traditions that will bring happiness and joy to our children, shape them into the men and women God created them to be.

Question: What are your favorite family traditions? 

Categories: Family


John · August 26, 2019 at 10:22 am


I think what draws is closer is the time that we spend together. If a family wants to grow closer together then they need to do things together; whether it’s just sitting around and talking or doing something fun together. It can be challenging to work out family times but you will never regret that you did.

    Joshua Bontrager · August 27, 2019 at 9:05 pm


    Great thoughts! Thank-you!

George Craig · August 16, 2019 at 6:02 am

Amen on the importance of family culture. And thank you for including a section on the importance of fathers leading the charge. The impact of an engaged Dad is incalculable.

    Joshua Bontrager · August 19, 2019 at 8:02 am

    Mr. Craig,

    As a young father myself, I’ve enjoyed observing how you instill traditions in your family and create fun memories for your children. Thanks for your example!

      John · August 21, 2019 at 1:29 pm

      The past few years we have started the tradition of making homemade doughnuts and sausage balls for Christmas morning. We’ve also stared going to a lake for every fourth of July.

        Joshua Bontrager · August 22, 2019 at 11:52 am


        That’s a fun tradition! Thanks for sharing! In what ways do you think those traditions bring you closer as a family?

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