How to Influence Your Younger Siblings for Eternity

Published by Joshua Bontrager on

Galatians 6:7 assures, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” More than most other relationships, this immutable principle of sowing and reaping is especially relevant to relationships with younger siblings. 

You may ask, “Why the focus on younger siblings?” The answer is this: while all sibling relationships are important and must be cultivated, relationships with younger siblings hold the greatest potential for influence. Their lives contain a vast untapped potential to be used for good or evil.

Every one of us can build up our younger siblings by daily sowing the three vital ingredients of example, time, and vision. 


Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity” (I Timothy 4:12). 

My siblings are some of my best friends. While I wish I would have spent more time with my younger siblings growing up, I’m thankful for the many memories we created together. Time spent competing in the Bible Bee, playing games, and working on the farm drew us closer.

Never forget that your younger siblings watch you every day. As older siblings, you have a special responsibility and influence over them that cannot be abdicated or delegated. In every area of life, become a living example. You have an opportunity to model biblical masculinity and femininity, victorious Christian living, evangelism, discipleship, media discernment, the art of communication and friendship, and a love for God’s Word. 

Intentional Time

“Friendships within the family require care and culture as do other friendships. We must win one another’s love within the home doors just as we win the love of outside friends. We must prove ourselves worthy; we must show ourselves self-forgetful, thoughtful, kind, tender, patient, helpful. Then when we have won each other we must keep the treasure of affection and confidence, just as we do in the case of friends not in the sacred circle of home” (JR Miller). 

Healthy sibling relationships rarely occur spontaneously. Indeed, as someone once observed, “What gets prioritized gets done.” 

If you sincerely desire to build strong sibling relationships, begin by scheduling time just as you would for any other appointment. Then, keep that most important commitment, allowing nothing to stand in its way. 

You will have to fight your phone for quality time with your siblings. If you work or study from home, as I have done, you will have to fight the computer as well. If you value your limited time with siblings, you must intentionally disengage from these technologies in order to build lasting relationships.


God has before-ordained good works for your siblings to walk in (Ephesians 2:10). In His wisdom, He placed you in your specific family in order to build up your siblings for his glory. You alone have more influence than most, even your parents. 

Do you see your siblings as individuals that God could use to change the world through family, missions, business, politics, and?

You have a priceless opportunity to encourage your siblings in their sacred life’s work. Can there be any more noble work than this?

Your younger siblings are in the most moldable stage of their life. You will never have as much influence to shape their character as you do today.

Healthy sibling relationships are built one day at time through example, time, and and vision. Sow the right seeds every day, and by God’s grace, may you enjoy lasting, meaningful, sibling relationships.

Question: How can we influence our siblings for the better?

Recommended Resource: Building Meaningful Family Relationships.

Categories: Siblings


ColleenF. · August 30, 2019 at 5:59 pm

Thank you SO MUCH for these helpful Christ-focused posts! They are JUST what I need to hear! Just now while reading this post and the other one on building family traditions, the Lord nudged me to spend time with my Dad who then was able to teach me for the first time how to use a hay moisture meter and together we checked out the moisture in our small square hay bales. (We own a Brown Swiss, 3 goats, and 20 chickens with 1 rooster.) I know I could have left him to himself to figure it out but the JOY the Lord gave us mutually to learn together was priceless! I appreciate your comment about “What gets prioritized gets done” (how very true!) and it’s VITAL to take that Intentional Time to spend with our family and siblings! I find that I often prefer to work on my own projects over spending time with family so the Lord knew what I needed! I’m the youngest sibling in my family; nevertheless, this post can certainly be applied to spending precious moments with my parents and older siblings plus with my much younger nieces and nephews, to positively influence them for Eternity, taking time to value them and teach them of Christ through example. From both your blog and Allison’s, I glean much needful lessons to apply to my life! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing, for taking time to encourage and challenge other believers in Jesus for His glory and their eternal benefit!
“For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of His mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.” ~ Proverbs 2:6 KJV.
Also, back in December I ordered your in-laws family’s newest CD. Never before had I ever heard “When He Cometh” nor “Haven Of Rest” recorded before! We sing “When He Cometh” in Sunday School. “Haven Of Rest” is special to my Dad who grew up listening to it on the radio being sung every Lord’s Day evening. It brought him great delight. Sometimes we play it on our piano too.
Thank you again tremendously!
Awaiting the glorious return of Jesus Christ our Lord at the Rapture,
Upstate New York

Grace White · August 20, 2019 at 9:23 pm

This post was a God-send! I have been thinking very seriously about my relationships and this post was such an encouragement. Thank you!

    Joshua Bontrager · August 22, 2019 at 11:53 am


    Thank-you! I’m glad it was an encouragement. What are some of your favorite ways to spend time with your siblings?

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